If you’ve never heard comedian Michael Jr.’s testimony – watch this. It’s funny and inspiring and so God-honoring. In it, he explains how some difficulties in his past really worked out to be blessings. God used struggles to mold him into the man he was meant to be.
But Micheal Jr isn’t alone. God works in all of our lives, bringing beauty from ashes and making sense of the senseless. We don’t get to see the “why” all the time. But God often gives us what a former pastor called “glimpses of the Kingdom” – insight into how God is working to fulfill His purposes through His people.
I can see these Kingdom glimpses most clearly in our moves. Every move (EVERY move) was tough. I hate moving! But every move (EVERY move) was good. God taught me lessons I wouldn’t have learned had I stayed where I was. He gave me friends I never would have had otherwise. He gave me opportunities to minister to people I never would have met had I gotten what I wanted and just stayed in one place forever.
You never know what God is going to use – circumstances that are difficult or confusing can be just the ones that bring you where you need to go or prepare you for how He wants to use you. He is the Redeemer. And He is in control of everything.