In my day, it was called “boy crazy”. Today, teens use the word “thirsty” to describe a girl who is seeking the attention of the opposite sex.

I think it’s normal and natural that teenage girls are “thirsty”. God has given girls (and all of us, really) a desire to be known, loved, and appreciated. But that thirst CANNOT be quenched by a boy. Not even a really, really cute boy!

When girls seek to quench their “thirst” by getting the attention of a young man, they often find themselves, when that attention has played out, even less satisfied than they were when they started out. So they keep searching, keep “drinking”. They sacrifice what is precious, and they remain discontent.

But there is a solution! Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (Mt. 5:6)

There is a blessing in being thirsty – when we are thirsty for what is right. God wants us to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Later in the gospels, Jesus tells the woman at the well He came to offer Living Water: the gift of salvation that forever quenches the thirst we all have.

God made us “thirsty” so we would seek Him. Don’t miss out on the Living Water by seeking what is “dead”. Thirst for Jesus – His is the love you are longing for. Don’t settle for anything less.