Have you scrolled through the options on Netflix recently? My husband and I have, and pretty much everything has a TV-MA rating. Movies are about the same. I sit and prepare to be entertained and end up shocked or offended, complaining about what I’ve just seen, whining that there aren’t any better choices out there.
But, folks, I am part of my own problem!! TV networks and movie studios put money into what makes money. That’s why old movies are cleaner than movies today. Audiences in the 1940’s would not have paid money to see people having sex on screen or dropping F-bombs in every other sentence. We call old-fashioned what is decent and we call “realistic” what is indecent.
Christians, we shouldn’t put money into entertainment that glorifies sin. And I hear the “but’s”. I’ve used them! But…then we can’t watch anything. But…how will we be able to interact with the world?
And the one I hear/use most: But…it doesn’t affect me.
But, friends, it does. We have eternal souls, and “soul care” should be our top priority. Not in a legalistic way. This isn’t a “God will be mad at you if you watch that movie” post. But our greatest desire should be to honor God, to grow in our understanding of who He is, who we are in Him. And we should hate sin. Watching it should be disgusting to us, not entertaining.
The Apologetics teacher at my school constantly challenges our students to be “Culture Changers” — you guys don’t need to sit back and just accept things. You can change them! One way is by putting your money where your morals are, and encouraging other believers to do the same. Say no to the entertainment that flagrantly disregards God’s standards. You don’t need to stand on a street corner and hold signs to do this. You just need to make prayerful decisions about what you’re allowing into your mind. Hollywood will listen if enough of us speak with our viewing choices.
“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” Prov. 4:23