Ellie and her nemesis – the “babi” – 2006
This weekend, Dave and I were cleaning out the garage, and I came across Ellie’s “babi” (pronounced “bah-bee”) from Kindergarten. The “babi” is a smock/dress that every student was to wear every day over his/her clothes. The purpose was to keep paint and glue and snacks off the kids’ clothes – a good idea!
Ellie, however, hated her babi. She thought it was tight and itchy and awful. And so, she often “lost” or “forgot” it. I’d be dropping the kids off at school, and Ellie wouldn’t have her babi. Even though I knew she’d had it before we left! So she went to school without it and, inevitably, I’d find it hours later, stuffed in the side pocket of the car or hidden under her pillow at home.
And on those days, she’d come home with paint and glue and snacks all over her clothes. Ugh. Perfectly good outfits ruined because she refused to follow the rules of her classroom.
As I was folding up the babi and replacing it in the box, I thought of how God has “babis” for us. Specifically, because I now have teens and teach teens, I thought of sex. Teens today are bombarded with songs and TV shows and movies and so much else that normalizes sex before marriage. And yet God says, “Wait. Protect yourself.” He tells us that sex is a gift reserved for marriage. Those who have chosen not to obey that command can attest to the devastation refusing that protection can bring: heartache, shame, regret. And yet, I know, that command can seem constricting and frustrating. We may want to ignore it or refuse it, like Ellie refused her babi. We may think we know better than God, or that certain rules shouldn’t apply to us or to this century or whatever.
But the fact is God’s commands are for our good. Girls (and any guys reading this), you have the opportunity to spend decades having sex – with your spouse. Sex that is guilt-free and God-honoring. Don’t cheapen that gift. In a world where we can get anything we want anytime, stand up and stand out. Wait. Is it difficult? Yes. Will others think you’re crazy? Probably. Is it worth it? Absolutely. As someone who chose to wait, I can tell you it is definitely worth the wait. God knows what He’s doing! He is good.
It’s never too late to choose God’s way, even if you have not chosen that in the past. God’s mercies are new every morning. He forgives and restores. He brings beauty from ashes.
So, friends, put on that “babi,” even if you’d rather leave it behind. The long-term rewards far outweigh the temporary discomfort.
“Flee also youthful lusts, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Tim. 2:22