There is nothing on earth like an old musical, complete with random songs and dances that may or may not have anything to do with the plot. Huge crowds of people all moving at the same time, knowing the same song, cameras looking down as they twirl in circles, throwing girls in the air — girls whose hips are hips. None of these so-skinny-she-might-blow-away women in the musicals I love. No way.

Ah, yes. Musicals make me happy.

Reality TV has nothing on classic musicals. In fact, the great American Musical grew from a desire to escape reality – the Great Depression, World War II…The musicals from those decades were glamorous and fun and had little to do with real life. The underdogs always won, beat the odds, put on the show. For folks living through hard times, that was exactly what they wanted to see. Hope. Joy. Success.


(This, for those of you who don’t have the pleasure of knowing, is the great, the amazing, the astounding Judy Garland — greatest performer ever)

So watch your reality TV shows, with the cooking and house-hunting, the bug-eating and dancing, but don’t forget the classics. Everyone needs a little “musical” in her TV watching diet.

If you want suggestions, I’ve got plenty…:)