You regulars probably noticed that I wasn’t really “here” the last couple weeks. And you probably know why – we moved from Tampa to Largo on June 28. The process of packing and unpacking is time and energy consuming. Not to mention, half the time, I had no idea where the computer was! But we are settled in now, and so I am back. REVOLUTIONARY is out next week, and I’ll spend some posts on that, as well as what my plans are after that in the coming weeks.
Today, though, I just want to say that the GPS might be the most wonderful invention of our time. Seriously. I have THE WORST sense of direction. I can get lost in places I know. So in a place I don’t know?? If it weren’t for the handy GPS on my phone, I might not be sitting at the computer writing this right now. I might be sleeping in my car somewhere in Pinellas county, with no idea how to get back to my house (because, to make things worse — all the streets around here are numbered: 118, 102, 66…. I HATE numbers!! That, combined with my terrible sense of direction, adds up to trouble, my friends!).
But I’m not sleeping in my car, I’m home. Because, although I have no idea how to get around Pinellas county, my GPS does. I just tell it where I want to go (like the beach….5.8 miles away!), and it takes me there. Once, I thought I knew where I was going, so I turned it off. BAD idea! But the good news is that, as soon as I turned it back on, it got me straightened out.
Thinking about how much I love my GPS made me think about something else that provides direction when I’m lost, that always knows the right way to go, something I need even more than I need directions to the beach: the Bible.
Sometimes, I think I can go without it, though. I can figure things out on my own. BAD idea! When I do that, I am unhappy, cranky, and confused. God isn’t up there forcing me to do things His way, but He is saying His ways are better than mine, and if I follow His paths, I will experience joy and peace, no matter the circumstances.
The Bible tells us that God has plans for us, paths that He will make straight. It tells us that, if we look the Him for direction, He will direct our steps. But we need to seek Him — we need to get into the Word, know it, and through it, know Him.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~Jer. 29:11
So glad you had a safe move! Yes GPS is a great invention for those if us (me included) that are directionally challenged! I was wondering if you will be having another contest for Revolutionary soon. Or I would love to get a copy in exchange for some honest reviews!
Thanks. And, yes…tomorrow!