I know people who spend entire weekends making holiday goodies. And they think it’s fun.
I know people who get cookbooks for Christmas. And like it.
I know people who have people over for dinner just to try a new recipe.
I am not one of those people.
Don’t get me wrong. I like eating holiday goodies. In fact, I’ll eat just about anything. Except broccoli. Or green beans.
But cooking?
No, thanks. It’s a necessary evil. Something forced on me. Like root canals and taxes.
I do it, but it isn’t pretty. And it isn’t fun. And it often results in the smoke alarm going off.
(the only difference between me and this lady is that I don’t have blonde hair…or an apron)
Take home lesson: If you don’t like cooking, write a blog. Your family will get tired of waiting on dinner and go out for Chik-Fil-A instead.
Completely understand — love to cook/bake, but not under pressure! — like now, during soccer season when practice is 4-5 days/week.
It’s wonderful that I have a family that is OK with quick meals. Love many of the entrees from Trader Joe’s . . .