Over the Rainbow

I just finished reading a biography of Judy Garland. She is my favorite entertainer and has been for as long as I can remember. If you don’t know who she is (I am clutching my heart in pain at the thought), maybe this will help… If you still don’t...

When Do You Write?

I get this question a lot. I have three kids, a husband, a full-time job, and I am involved in several ministries at my church. So when I do I have time to write? It isn’t really an easy answer like, “I get up at 4:00 in the morning.” Or “I...

Not Fair

I might be approaching middle age, but I am not beyond the desire that things work out my way. That life goes according to my plans. That people agree with me and like me. I don’t know if we ever truly grow out of that. But here is a truth that I too often forget: God...

Whiners Aren’t Winners

Complaining is SO easy. I mean, seriously, there is just so much to complain about – the jerk who cut me off while I was driving, the guy at church who wears so much cologne my eyes water when I get within ten feet of him, the ridiculously low lighting at my...

How to Be a Loser

No matter what the self-help gurus say, we can’t do anything we want. We’re not all winners all the time. Some dreams will never come true. And we need to learn to deal with that. We need to know how to be losers. Some of us will play softball for a whole...

Spotlight on Missions, Part 4

What does it mean to be a long-term missionary overseas? I used to think it meant living in the jungle eating bugs. Ewww and eww. But that isn’t it. Well, except for some. Being a missionary overseas means doing what God has called you to do in another country....