In Media Res

Because most of my life revolves around stories, I love when I see story elements in my life. I love to see how the Author reveals plot twists and repeats themes. I believe stories, like creation, reflect the presence and creativity of God. Right now, I am...

Dealing With Disappointment

Five years ago, I directed my favorite musical, “The Wizard of Oz,” at my school. I was so excited about directing this play! But the part I always hate about directing is the casting. I hate posting that list, hate knowing some of the kids will be upset...

In Favor of Arranged Marriage

As a mother of three – two tweens and a teen – I think the practice of arranged marriages should be reinstated. Forget the fact that my husband and I wouldn’t be married if that practice had been in place when we were dating, nor would any of our friends. Or our...

Yes, Jesus Loves Me

Like most moms, I think my kids are the cutest, most talented, greatest children to ever walk the face of the earth. And they really are. I mean, just look at them…! I love being around my kids, I love looking at them, I love watching them do what they love. I...