by krista | Jan 24, 2015 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
Yes, I just quoted Taylor Swift (I have two teenage daughters, you know!) And while I don’t agree with a lot of T-Swift’s life philosophies, I am in full agreement that, with haters, we need to just “shake it off.” I am thinking about haters...
by krista | Jan 20, 2015 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
I love the movie “The Princess Bride.” There are few movies that I can handle watching repeatedly – but that is one of them (along with anything starring Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, or Carey Grant). If you’ve seen it (and if you haven’t,...
by krista | Jan 15, 2015 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
We worry about just about everything. We worry about how we look and what we weigh, we worry about getting sick, about getting hurt. We worry about being misunderstood, about letting people down. We start worrying early. We worry about getting good grades, graduating...
by krista | Jan 12, 2015 | Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
1. Ask, “Are we doing anything today?” every day. 2. When you miss a day, ask “Did we do anything yesterday?” 3. Every time your teacher introduces a new concept, ask “When will I need this in real life?” 4. Ignore the note on the...
by krista | Jan 5, 2015 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
I planned to write a first-post-of-the-year about how awful 2014 was. I had it all planned out in my mind: Lots of whining and “nothing is going my way” and “woe is me” stuff. Pretty powerful. Incredibly pathetic. But God has been working on...
by krista | Dec 30, 2014 | Favorites, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
This is TOUGH, folks. I read a lot, and I like most of what I read (if I don’t like it after 50 pages, I stop reading). So I limited this list to what I read most: Christian fiction. And it is in no particular order. I loved, loved, loved all these stories!...