Dealing with Heartbreak

Almost everyone deals with heartbreak at least one in her life. Even the most careful, most godly girls. Sometimes, it’s because you made a wrong choice – you went for a guy without consulting God, without listening to parents’ or friends’...

Dress Like a Princess

A few years back, I asked  a former student attending a Christian college if her school had a dress code. She said yes. I was waiting to hear a long list of what could and could not be worn on campus. Instead, she told me their policy was just seven words: “No crack...

In Favor of Arranged Marriage

As a mother of three – two teenage girls and an almost-teen boy – I think the practice of arranged marriages should be reinstated. Forget the fact that my husband and I wouldn’t be married if that practice had been in place when we were dating, nor would any of our...

Let’s Talk About Sex

Teens today are having sex. A lot. Studies indicate that at least half of all teenagers are sexually active in high school. Personally, I think that number is conservative. It is as casual a part of many relationships as the goodnight kiss was back in the “old...


When I teach characterization in literature, I use Edgar Allan Poe’s classic, “The Tell Tale Heart”. The narrator in that story starts out by saying, “I’m not crazy!” He repeats that throughout the story – as he’s...