Classics with Krista

I have decided to go in a different direction with this blog. I’m going to begin a series called “Classics with Krista” where I discuss literary classics from a Christian worldview. This has been a passion for years — My undergraduate degree is...

Spiritual Trauma

I’ve been listening to a podcast, The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, which is both interesting and painful. What pains me most is the testimonies of those hurt by toxic leaders who mistreat others in the name of Christ. I find myself identifying with them – a...

Murals and Post-It Notes

(This post is adapted from a talk I recently gave to the ABIDE Women’s group at Truett McConnel University) My daughter Emma and I were at a museum in Knoxville TN last month. For me, the most memorable exhibit was a mural titled, “History of...

Changing Seasons

It’s been a minute since I’ve written! We moved to Georgia, our daughter, Eliana, got engaged, our son, Thomas, left for college, and Dave and I started teaching exclusively online. Whew. Lots of changes. While our changes – though monumental –...


I’ve debated writing this blog. I have no problem writing about hard times – and I’ve had my fair share over the last few years. But this blog is about good times – amazing times – and I feel a little worried. Like I might...