by krista | Oct 24, 2020 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
I have a student – let’s call him “Tuck” – who keeps getting into trouble. He gets into trouble at school. He gets into trouble at home. He gets caught, he gets disciplined, but he doesn’t stop his trouble-making ways. He pauses,...
by krista | Oct 13, 2020 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
Last week, my husband and I hiked up to the top of Stone Mountain, GA. The hike was beautiful – difficult in parts – but the view at the summit was totally worth it! Even though it was cloudy, we could still see all the way to downtown Atlanta. We also...
by krista | Sep 28, 2020 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
Have any of you guys played the pool game, “Sharks and Minnows”? It’s the one where everyone in the pool is a “minnow” who starts on one side. The “shark” dives in on the other side and tries to tag the minnows as they swim...
by krista | Sep 22, 2020 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
Jane Vaquez is on the volleyball team at school. She’s ignored by her coach every game – never getting to play, not even being used as a sub. And she’s been on club teams since she was 10! Jane knows she’s a good player. So she sits on the...
by krista | Sep 8, 2020 | Christ life, Recommended Reading, Stuff about Me
I like routines and schedules. I might appear happy-go-lucky and carefree, but I get uptight when my life is disrupted. So you can imagine how well I’m dealing with 2020: Nothing is routine, and the unexpected is the only constant. UGH!!! Last week, a woman I...
by krista | Aug 19, 2020 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
Lately, it seems, according to my social media accounts, there are A LOT of people who are very passionate about A LOT of topics. I’ve never in my life seen so many people so angry and vocal about their anger, so intensely upset with those who don’t agree...