by krista | Jun 15, 2017 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
In November 2000, I was 7 months pregnant with my second child, Eliana. I had been going to a midwife, planning to deliver at a birthing center. Because my spine is fused, I can’t get an epidural. I chose a midwife because they offer some alternative pain...
by krista | Jun 9, 2017 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
I recently read that, prior to the 1920s, most women had mirrors that were tarnished. The view they received in those mirrors, then, was fuzzy, imperfect. Like one of the distorted SnapChat filters. As mirrors improved, women were shocked at what they saw:...
by krista | May 31, 2017 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
We all have goals. For those of you still in school, it may be good grades, a date with that special guy/girl, acceptance to a certain college. For the rest of us, it may be getting a raise, having a family, going back to school. None of these goals, in themselves, is...
by krista | May 24, 2017 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
My oldest daughter graduates from high school on Friday. This event has been looming in my my mind all year. It’ll hit at strange times, making me tear up, worry, and rejoice. It’s momentous, Graduation. It is both an ending and a beginning, a time to...
by krista | May 17, 2017 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
Marriage. Almost everyone has an opinion about this institution. Some think it’s antiquated; others treat it like a terminal illness. Romantics see it as a lovely ending, and cynics see it as a trap. Countless studies are done each year, seeking to determine the...
by krista | May 8, 2017 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
We are weighed down – by expectations, by situations, by attitudes, by guilt, by life. It can get overwhelming, all those burdens. Sometimes I feel suffocated by them all. I know I’m supposed to “cast my cares” on Jesus. But how does one do...