Everyone is Awful

We want to believe people are basically good. We want to believe that of others because we want to believe it of ourselves. We make “bad choices” or “stupid mistakes”, but we aren’t “bad people”. Except that we are. Hear me...

Is Dating From the Devil?

Dating. There’s so much controversy associated with it – in Christian circles, anyway. Do you date? Court? Should it be for many years or just a few months? When should you start? How do you know…? I read an article a while ago that slammed the...

Passing the Blame

I know firsthand that the spiritual realm is very real. We do have an Enemy, who is not flesh and blood, who is daily seeking to devour and discourage and discredit us (Eph. 6:12). But that’s not what this particular blog is about. Because sometimes I think we...

It’s All In Your Head

Like many females, I spend WAY more time in my head than I should. I carry on imaginary conversations, I worry about nonexistent circumstances, I project out one week – or one year – and freak out about things that are pretty likely to never happen. I have...


Girls, allow me to let you in on a hidden truth:  We ALL deal with insecurities. Every. Single. One of us. Believe it or not, the really pretty girls – the ones with the perfect skin and teeth and hair and body – are very often the MOST insecure....

Why We Don’t…

Christians are often characterized by a long lists of “don’ts” – we say no to a lot of things that the rest of the world embraces. Sometimes, we can get tired of following all those rules and just decide to do our own thing. Other times, we can...