by krista | Jul 14, 2017 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
I hate being uncomfortable. I hate tension. I hate change. I want everyone to be happy and healthy and for life to go smoothly. I want disagreements to be limited to chocolate vs. vanilla or tea vs. coffee (the correct answers being chocolate and coffee, of course!)...
by krista | Jul 6, 2017 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
This morning, our family visited friends in the Imperial Valley, an agricultural area about two hours east of us. My husband, David, had the privilege of spending six years there as a pastor’s kid, and he maintains many of the relationships he forged there. One...
by krista | Jun 26, 2017 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
How am I? You ask. Busy. I am busy. Like most people today, I have taken on more than I should, and I am constantly running behind, running late, running on too little sleep. I should know better. I DO know better. A few years back, I got so busy, I was in...
by krista | Jun 15, 2017 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
In November 2000, I was 7 months pregnant with my second child, Eliana. I had been going to a midwife, planning to deliver at a birthing center. Because my spine is fused, I can’t get an epidural. I chose a midwife because they offer some alternative pain...
by krista | Jun 9, 2017 | Christ life, Stuff about Me, Uncategorized
I recently read that, prior to the 1920s, most women had mirrors that were tarnished. The view they received in those mirrors, then, was fuzzy, imperfect. Like one of the distorted SnapChat filters. As mirrors improved, women were shocked at what they saw:...