Your Grades Do Not Define You

Finals Week is upon us. Students are stressing, staying up late, and kicking themselves for not paying better attention in class this semester. Many students feel MAJOR pressure to deliver exceptional grades. However, sometimes, students just don’t “get”...

Thankful for Fleas

Several years ago, we had a flea problem in our house. It was especially strange because the only pets we had were fish! Where we these fleas coming from?? And my poor husband has “gourmet blood” — insects that bite anyone else once or twice will...

SHOWTIME: The Eli Diaries

Martha’s story in THE ELI DIARIES continues in Showtime. This novella is free for Amazon Prime members! The adage “write what you know” is certainly true in this story. I put a whole lot of me in here. I hope it will resonate with you, as well…...