My son, Thomas, and I spent an amazing two weeks on the other side of the world. Because of where many of the folks I saw there are working, I have to be careful how much I say. So forgive me if I seem vague. It is not because I want to be, but because that is necessary for these precious brothers and sisters.
Part I – Fun with Family
Our first stop was the country where my sister and her family lives. It is a beautiful, though humid, place filled with amazing people. There were also some strange sights. Like this:
That’s a toilet. ON THE FLOOR. And if you’ll look around, you’ll see there’s no toilet paper. Just a water hose and a floor drain. Thankfully, there were also “western” toilets. I am not ashamed to say that I waited until the latter were available.
There were also some really neat sights – markets and malls and rivers and so much more…
Thomas discovered that soccer is a universal language. Behind my sister’s house is a large field where neighborhood
boys play nightly. They have to dodge cow patties that are deposited throughout the week (and some of them play with no shoes. Yuck!!). But they play hard and they have fun. And they accepted Thomas right in. He became one of the gang in the week we were there. He even got up early on the weekend (Friday and Saturday there) to run. And he rode on a motorbike – with 3 other boys! – to local food vendors where he tried foods that I did not have the stomach to try. Some of the boys spoke a little English, and between that and hand signals, they all got along just fine. Thomas was sad to leave these new friends.
Part II – Sisters in Singapore
My sister and I got away for a few days and visited the amazing city/country of Singapore. Wow. If Disney World and NYC had a baby, it would be Singapore. It is beautiful, clean, and so very modern. Like visiting the future.
Part III – Teaching in Thailand
Our last few days were spent in Chiang Mai, Thailand. My sister attended a Homeschool Conference with fellow workers. The folks there came from all over SE Asia. Some, like my sister, live far from any other American families, and so this time was refreshing on so many levels. My niece got to see friends from the states – she even got to have a sleepover! A rare treat for her.
Volunteers from all over the US came to teach the students, care for the babies, and speak to the parents. I spent most of my time with the older kids, and I loved getting to know them and hearing their stories! I enjoyed getting some time with their parents, as well – moms who have so many jobs, not the least of which is homeschooling, and who do it with such joy. I got to see the excitement on each student’s face – 200+ – when they received the books that so many from here helped provide. Books in English are hard to find where many of these folks are, so it was a blessing for them to get these.
Thomas got to ride an elephant while we were there, and we were able to get away one night to visit a market not far from where we were staying. I would have loved to see more of this beautiful country, but there just wasn’t time.
It was an amazing trip, filled with more stories and memories than I can possibly fit into one blog. I am so thankful to have been able to go. What a blessing to step into my sister’s world and get time with her and her precious family. And what a blessing to meet other members of the bigger Family, who, like my sister, are serving and shining in some dark, difficult places.
I was humbled and challenged and awed by all I saw and experienced. And I am SO thankful to have had the opportunity to go.
that must have been so much fun! glad you had a nice time.