Yesterday, at the grocery store, I stood in line in front of a family with two young kids. As the mom unloaded the cart, the dad scooped up the baby. I watched as, within ten seconds, the baby laid his head on his dad’s chest and fell asleep. Ten seconds! Maybe less. I was grabbing the last of my bags and the baby was awake. When I reached for the receipt, he was out!
I’ve been thinking a lot about rest, lately. Spiritual rest, that is. The kind Jesus says he came to give (Mt. 11:28). And I feel confident that this little family didn’t just “happen” to be behind me at the store. Because the more I thought about that baby, the more I could hear God nudging me – “This, Krista, is what I’m talking about.”
That baby wasn’t worried about how much groceries cost, he wasn’t concerned that his sister might have more goodies in the cart than he did. He wasn’t agonizing over what might happen tomorrow, nor was he replaying events from yesterday. He was simply resting, no cares at all. Why? Because he had complete, utter, childlike faith in his father.
You see where I’m going with this. While this baby’s dad seemed like a great guy, my Father God is even greater. He is in complete control, He knows everything, He has a plan for my life. And, most amazing of all, He loves me! Really, really loves me. If I can grasp that truth, then I can have rest. Because if I truly understand that the God of the universe, who knows everything and controls everything, loves me and has a plan for my life, then why should I worry? What can I possibly have to be concerned about? God’s got everything under control. Everything. Yep, even that.
My job, then, is to be like that baby with his dad: To rest in my father, trusting Him completely. I can be confident that God doesn’t need me to remind Him of the “what-ifs”, He doesn’t need me to help Him do His job. He simply reminds me to trust Him and to rest in His arms, knowing He will take me exactly where I need to go.