Finding God’s will is a sometimes-overwhelming prospect. While we know a lot for sure, there are others areas that are gray. How do we navigate those areas?Image result for finding God's will

This is in my mind right now because my oldest is wrestling through it. As a recent high school graduate, she has a lot of new, adult decisions to make: where to go to school, to church, what to study, who to date…She thought she had at least the first of those all figured out. She chose a college last fall, got scholarships, had her dorm and roommate all picked out and then…circumstances intervened and that fell through.

So what does a Jesus-follower do when we don’t know what God wants? When there’s no verse that says, “Go to _____ college,” “Study ___________”, “Marry _______”?

Pray. I know this sounds cliche. But prayer is powerful – when we pray, we are communicating to the Creator of the Universe! He knows everything, including where you should go to college, what you should study, and who you should marry. So talk to Him. And listen. God has given us the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us.

Seek Wise Counsel. The Proverbs tells us there is wisdom in counsel. So talk with your parents, your pastor, and other people in your life that you know have walked the Christ-life longer than you. What do they think about these decisions? What mistakes have they made that you could avoid? What wise choices have they made that you could emulate?

Image result for prov. 3:5-6Study the Word. If what you want to do is opposed to what God clearly states, then it is not God’s will. God would never ask you to have sex outside of marriage. God would never ask you to be dishonest. God would never ask you to disrespect your parents. And, ladies, God would never want you to date someone who doesn’t share your faith. For the rest, seek biblical principles. For what to be: God has gifted you with talents and abilities. How can you use those in a career? For who to marry: Examine what men of God look like in the Bible and find someone who fits that model (be sure you’re striving to be a woman of God, too!).

Take a leap of faith. Sometimes, we do all that, and we’re still not 100% sure. That has been our family’s testimony on more than one occasion. In those times, we recall the advice my father-in-law gave us: “Just step out and trust God.” If you feel God directing you there, if those in your life agree with it, if the scripture doesn’t contradict it, then go! God rarely gives us the “whole story”. He shows us our story one page at a time. And some of those pages seem a little crazy. But as long as we are wholeheartedly seeking the Author and Finisher of our faith, we can be confident in Him.