I need a schedule. I don’t like a schedule. I am not naturally a scheduled person. But I need a schedule. I need it because, when I have a schedule, I am forced make a plan to get everything done.

During the school year, I get up and have my Quiet Time. I have my class schedule throughout the day. After school, I go to the kids’ (scheduled) sports, or help them with homework or just hang out with them and my husband. I have my nightly routine and my regular bedtime. Then I get up the next day and do it all again. And I like that. I need it.

But today was the last day of school. It’s summer break! Exciting. But…that means no more schedule. I can sleep in, I can stay up late, I can wear stretchy pants all day long, if I so choose.

The danger is that I can also be lazy. Because I can do my Quiet Time anytime, sometimes I just keeping putting it off. I decide to read instead, or play Stop (so addicting!!), or watch Netflix. Suddenly, it’s bedtime, and I realize I haven’t spent anytime in God’s word all day long.

I find that, far too often, summer is a time when I stagnate in my relationship with God. But summer should be a time of renewal. It should be a time when prayer and study can go longer, a time when I can fellowship with other believers more. A time to slow down and listen and worship and just sit at Jesus’ feet and be still.

It really comes down to “scheduling” what’s most important. I would never forget to eat during summer, even though I don’t have a schedule to remind me to eat. Eating is important!! My time with God should be even more important. I need to hunger and thirst for righteousness, to “indulge” in time with Him during these weeks off. I want to come back to school refreshed and renewed in my spirit, closer to God then than I am now.

So I will enjoy my summer break, but I will not take a break from what is most important. My prayer is to be like David and say, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.” Ps. 42:1