By the end of this week, we will have been in California for three months.


You regulars know that this move was major for our family. When I first blogged about it, I was still somewhat in shock….California?? Wha…?? But as we began packing and saying painful goodbyes, the shock turned to sadness, tinged with confusion. Why, God? Why move us all the way across the country, where we know NO ONE?

La Jolla

La Jolla Beach

But we kept packing, we said those painful goodbyes, we loaded up the Penske truck and our old van, and we started driving — away from the familiar into – as the old Steven Curtis Chapman song goes – the Great Unknown.

The first month was a little rough – though we were warmly and graciously received by our new administrators, we struggled to get settled in: everything is different in CA!!


Calvary Christian Academy Varsity Volleyball team

School started July 21. As all beginnings are, it was awkward. The kids weren’t sure they’d fit in; Dave and I weren’t sure we’d fit in. So. Much. New.

Let me fast forward through those first awkward weeks, though…we are at the end of the first quarter, and we’re thriving. God has given each of my kids great friends. And, to the delight of this mother’s heart – my girls have many of the same friends. Most are fellow volleyball players (CCA Lady Knights are 4-0, thank you very much!). They are a fun group and, to be around them, you’d think they’d known each other for years.

earthquake drill

Earthquake Drills — something we never had in Florida!

Thomas is enjoying school, as well – when he’s not getting Demerits for talking (those of you who know him are not at all surprised at that!), he’s playing his ukulele and singing in the middle school worship team, and playing flag football with his new buddies.

God has given Dave and me amazing coworkers who have treated us like family. We are so blessed. I feel like we see confirmation, weekly, that this is exactly where God wants us.

Of course, we still miss “home”, we miss our friends, we miss rain! But we are adjusting well, and we are experiencing the blessings of obedience. We still sometimes wonder “why”? But we trust in a God who is far wiser than we could ever be. He knows what is best for us – even when it seems crazy, scary, and confusing.

God is good. ALL the time.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ~Jer. 29:11