Those of you regular readers and friends (and regular reader friends!) know we have been looking for a job this year. Our position here in Largo was just for one year, and that year is just about up. Where we will go next?
We had our plans, but we have been walking with the Lord long enough to know our plans are rarely the same as God’s plans.
That was certainly true in this case!
We have followed God’s leading to a lot of places – Texas, Costa Rica, Spain, back to Florida. Each time was a step of faith and a time of growth and blessing as we were obedient to His direction. This next step is pretty big – and pretty exciting. We are moving to…..
San Diego, California! Yep, just about as far from Largo FL as we could get: 2,470 miles to be exact.
Dave will teaching Bible, and I’ll be teaching English at Calvary Christian Academy San Diego.
Last summer, we moved across the bay, from Tampa to Largo, and that stretched us as a family. Moving across the country will certainly be a challenge. We have wonderful friends – and lots of beloved family – here and, between our two “tours” in the Tampa Bay area, over a decade of treasured memories. There’s no easy way to leave “home”.
It certainly helps that we are moving to one of the most beautiful cities in the country. Beaches on one side, mountains on the other, and a climate that is practically perfect all year long! Not too shabby.
But we would appreciate your prayers – saying goodbye is never easy. Neither is adjusting to the new, making friends, finding where we fit in a new school, new church, and new location.
We know, however, that God never leaves us or forsakes us, and we have seen how He has guided us to San Diego. Moves always remind me that comfort and “stability” are not – nor should they be – my primary focus on this earth. Following Jesus should be my focus and my joy. The Christ-life is not easy, but it is rewarding and full.
I’m sure you’ll be reading – and seeing – a lot more about this move in the coming weeks. We’d appreciate your prayers. If you’re reading this from the west coast, we’d love your words of advice! And my east coast friends — we expect lots of visitors ;)….Please!!
Will surely be praying for you and your sweet family. Moves are always challenging, but when it is God ordained you can be certain of beautiful surprises.
i hope and pray all will go well for you guys! Hopefully we can see you in CA! Lincoln Anderson, (Glenn’s sister’s boy) should be starting at SanDiego Christian in the fall, don’t know how far that is from you.
That’s great! SDCU won’t be too far from us at all.
You, Dave, and your family will be greatly missed at IRCS.