Do you ever feel like your prayers don’t go farther than the ceiling? That maybe God isn’t really there, or He’s there but just doesn’t have time for you? Maybe you’re feeling that now. If so, consider these possibilities as you seek to reignite the flame of passion in your walk with Christ:

Examine Yourself

I have found that when I feel far from God, it is because I have moved away from Him. This happens when I allow sin to go unconfessed. That lingering bitterness (“but you don’t understand – I can’t forgive that.”), the justifications (“I know the Bible says I shouldn’t, but it feels so right…it must be okay!”), the shame (“I can’t admit I did that…not even to God.”). Sin creates a barrier between ourselves and God. Jesus, in His death, burial, and resurrection, has paid for that sin (yes, even that sin). Our job is not to be good enough to earn His forgiveness, it is to accept it. I John 1:9 tells us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Is there a sin you need to confess? Do it! Jesus is waiting to offer forgiveness and restoration “from all unrighteousness.”

Don’t Grow Weary

The temptation when we feel far from God is to just stop trying. Why read the Bible when you get nothing out of it? Why pray when no one seems to be listening? We want to just give up. Our faith seems broken. The excitement from camp is gone. So you hit Snooze instead of getting up for your Quiet Time. You don’t bother praying. But that cycle takes you farther from God, not closer to Him. James 4:8a says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” Not “might” draw near. He WILL. So keep seeking Him, keep praying. Make sure your time with Him isn’t rushed, that you aren’t preoccupied. It is hard to hear God speaking when our minds and hearts are focused on other things.

Meet With Other Believers

We were made to be in community with other Christians. We need to share our hearts with people we can trust, those who will encourage us, challenge us, and pray with us. Hebrews 11:25a charges us to “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing…”  I find that, when my faith is weak, being around others whose faith is stronger buoys me. Hearing what God is doing in their lives helps me recall all that He has done in mine. Talking about my struggles makes those struggles more bearable. And, in turn, when I have come out of my “dark night”, I can help others through theirs.


It’s so easy to focus on ourselves. We get overwhelmed with circumstances – often beyond our control – and begin a downward spiral. Others don’t care and now not even God seems to be listening?? I have had my moments where I am so angry and irritable because I feel that no one – not even God – is treating me well. First, I have to humble myself and seek God’s forgiveness for my pride and selfishness. Then, I need to remember that I am the child of the King. The Creator of the Universe. Yes, this God loves me, died for me, cares for me, plans for me. But he is not worthy because of what He does for me. He is worthy because He is God. He is the most worthy, the most holy. I find that when I concentrate on worshiping our amazing God, I am drawn into His presence. I was made to worship Him. I experience joy and peace and contentment when my eyes are on Him and not myself.